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Rubric is a digital agency building AI-first software. Over the past decade of building and scaling products as founders, we have built a framework that prioritizes simple, fast and scalable solutions to complex problems, with empathy for the people who use them. In weeks, we can deliver a show-stopping feature set, product or pivot.


AI Engineering

Our team builds production grade AI agents, fine tuned models and generative systems. We are also a full-stack, full-service product team and will often stand up backends, databases and frontends using Next.js and Vercel to support UX for high impact AI features.

We primarily build with OpenAI LLMs using the LangChain framework, and deploy full-stack monoliths using the latest Next.js APIs. Learn more about how we build and deploy AI in production:

Our ideal project

We partner with companies that embrace bleeding edge technology and move quickly at scale. We primarily work in 5-8 week sprints on high impact projects with ambitious objectives.

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AIApp DevelopmentMobile Development




North America
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