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In March 2024 Interaction to Next Paint (INP) became part of Google’s Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics reporting on user experience of web pages based on field data, and used in Google’s search ranking.
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When Hollywood giants and global brands collaborate on video, they demand a seamless, high-performing experience — and, an Adobe company, delivers.
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Mintlify, a platform for public documentation, is a toolkit for developers to write, maintain and host documentation. The platform offers a flexible solution that can be used out of the box or customized to fit specific needs, enabling developers to create help guides, tutorials, and API references.
The platform for building and scaling docs

The platform for building and scaling docs

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We recently shipped a new Rust-based core for Vercel Functions to improve startup times.
Today, we are announcing a new experimental feature to further reduce startup latency for large applications, resulting in up to 27% faster cold starts.
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Vercel Ship 2024 was all about the power of the frontend cloud, highlighting the integrations, ecosystem, and teams building the web's best products.
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