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Cohere Provider for the Vercel AI SDK now available

The Vercel AI SDK now supports Cohere through a new official provider. To use the provider, install the relevant package:

pnpm install ai @ai-sdk/cohere

You can then use the provider with all AI SDK Core methods. For example, here's how you can use it with generateText:

import { cohere } from '@ai-sdk/cohere';
import { generateText } from 'ai';

const { text } = await generateText({
  model: cohere('command-r-plus'),
  prompt: 'Write a vegetarian lasagna recipe for 4 people.',

Using the Cohere provider with the Vercel AI SDK

For more information, please see the documentation.

lgrammel avatar

Change the default position of your Vercel Toolbar

You can now reposition the Vercel Toolbar by dragging it to any corner of your page. It will snap into place and persist across deployments until you move it again.

vercelian avatar

Azure AI Provider for the Vercel AI SDK now available

The Vercel AI SDK now supports Azure AI services through a new official provider. To use the provider, install the relevant package:

pnpm install ai @ai-sdk/azure

You can then use the provider with all AI SDK Core methods. For example, here's how you can use it with generateText:

import { azure } from '@ai-sdk/azure';
import { generateText } from 'ai';

const { text } = await generateText({
  model: azure('your-deployment-name'),
  prompt: 'Write a vegetarian lasagna recipe for 4 people.',

Using the Azure provider with the Vercel AI SDK

For more information, please see the documentation.

lgrammel avatar

HTML element attribution in Speed Insights

Speed Insights now shows which HTML elements are causing low scores, helping you identify performance issues on your site. Supported metrics include:

  • Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)

This feature is available to all customers using Speed Insights.

Get started with Speed Insights

feugy avatartimo avatar

CSV Export in Web Analytics

You can now export Web Analytics data as CSV. The aggregated data includes information about unique visitors and page views for the selected data set.

This feature is available to all customers using Web Analytics.

Enable Web Analytics

timo avatar

Account-owned domains now visible in team-scope domains tab

To give users more clarity on the domains owned across both Teams and accounts, Team Owners can now see account-owned domains in the same tab as their Team domains. This change provides more visibility into the domains you own across your Teams and account.

Learn more about domains on Vercel in the documentation.

narendras avatarkale-stew avatarpranathip avatar

Vercel Functions now have faster and fewer cold starts

Vercel's infrastructure now keeps a minimum of one function instance warm for production environments on paid plans. This improves startup times for apps with relatively low traffic.

This builds on our recent improvements to make Vercel Functions start up even faster, by powering them with Rust and adding support for bytecode caching.

Get started with Vercel Functions.

timer avatarschniz avatar

Improved security with automation testing now available on all plans

You can now more easily run end-to-end tests against deployments protected by Vercel Authentication.

All plans can now create a secret value to bypass authentication, which can then be set as an HTTP header (or query parameter) named x-vercel-protection-bypass.

The automation bypass enables you to protect your project's deployments with Vercel Authentication while still providing access to external services like Checkly and Playwright for your CI/CD e2e testing.

See how to use Protection Bypass for Automation.

kitfos avatarnaaltman avatar

Vercel is now certified under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF)

We've achieved certification under the DPF to further strengthen our commitment to privacy at Vercel.

  • Commitment to protecting personal data: The DPF provides a reliable mechanism for transferring personal data from the EU, UK, and Switzerland to the U.S. in compliance with applicable privacy laws.
  • Vercel’s privacy practices: You have additional validation to assess Vercel with this internationally recognized certification, along with our ISO 27001 certification.
  • Supporting customer workflows: You have an additional mechanism that may help support their legal and compliance obligations when sending customer personal data to Vercel.

To view our public listing, visit the Data Privacy Framework website.

kacee avatar

Log Drains are now generally available

Vercel Log Drains are now generally available—send runtime and build logs from Vercel to third-party services.

What’s new?

Since we introduced Log Drains, you can now filter by different environments, define a sampling rate, transport logs with either the JSON or NDJSON formats, and more.

New Usage Based Billing

  • Usage of Log Drains costs $10 per 5GB of data transfer; all logs sent to a third-party accrue Log Drain usage automatically.
  • Existing Pro customers have three additional months free before billing begins. You can view the exact date based on your billing cycle in the dashboard.
  • Log Drains are only available on Pro and Enterprise plans. Existing Hobby customers may continue to use Log Drains as configured, but no further usage or configuration is available.

How can I check my Log Drain usage?

You can view your existing Log Drain usage on the Usage page.

chriswdmr avatardarpan avataramyburns avatarnaaltman avatar

Protect against OWASP risks with the Vercel Firewall

Enterprise customers can now protect against the top OWASP risks.

The Vercel Firewall protects against the OWASP Core Ruleset for Enterprise, which enables Vercel to log, block, or challenge traffic against these rules.

In addition to new custom rules, customers can also ensure they remain protected against the biggest risks for web applications with new OWASP Top 10 protection. For example, this ruleset includes automatic protection against SQL injection attacks.

Contact sales to see a demo and learn more.

andrewbarba avatarsueplex avatarnaaltman avatardanfein avatar

Use the Vercel Toolbar in Production with the Chrome Extension or the toolbar menu

You can now get the toolbar in your production environment without any configuration by installing the Vercel Chrome Extension and ensuring that you are signed in to your team on You can also enable the toolbar for your production domains by selecting Enable Vercel Toolbar in Production in the toolbar menu and choosing the domain you'd like to enable it on. For more advanced usage, it is still possible to use the toolbar's npm package.

This allows you and your team to use all the features of the Vercel Toolbar, like comments, flags, and tools like accessibility audit and interaction timing, in production.

Learn more about the features of the toolbar and adding it to your environments in the documentation.

vercelian avatargdborton avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatar

Declaring feature flags in code

We’re introducing a new approach for working with feature flags. This approach allows declaring feature flags in code and calling them as functions. Flags implemented using this pattern can automatically respect overrides set by the Vercel Toolbar, and integrate with our Developer Experience Platform features like Web Analytics and Runtime Logs.

import { unstable_flag as flag } from "@vercel/flags/next"

const showSummerSale = flag({
  key: "summer-sale",
  decide: async () => false

Declaring a feature flag

The pattern avoids common pitfalls of client-side feature flag and experimentation usage, such as flashing the wrong experiment, loading spinners, layout shift, and jank. It works with any feature flag provider and even custom setups.

export const showSummerSale = flag<boolean>({
     key: 'summer-sale',
      async decide() {
           return getLaunchDarklyClient().variation(this.key, false);

Using a feature flag

The pattern further allows for optionally precomputing certain feature flags in Middleware. Middleware can then route visitors to statically generated pages tailored to their specific combination of feature flags and experiments.

This even works when multiple flags are present on the page, which typically suffers from combinatory explosion. Precomputing is great for experimentation on marketing pages as it allows keeping them completely static with ultra-low TTFB, no layout shift, and no flashing of the wrong experiment.

We have implemented this new feature flags design pattern for Next.js in @vercel/flags/next, and we are releasing an implementation for SvelteKit soon.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

dferber avatarandy avatar

Observe your feature flags with the Vercel DX platform

The Vercel DX Platform now has a deep understanding of the feature flags you use and create in third-party providers. This beta integration provides better insights into your applications and streamlines your development workflow.

  • Web Analytics integration: Break down page views and custom events by feature flags in Web Analytics, gaining granular insights into user interactions.
  • Enhanced Log visibility: The platform now displays feature flags in logs, making it easier to understand the conditions under which errors occur.
  • reportValue: Reports an evaluated feature flag from the server for runtime logs and Custom Analytics Events (server-side).
  • <FlagValues />: Surfaces a feature flags value on the client for usage in Analytics.

These features have universal compatibility with any feature flag provider you're already using, like LaunchDarkly, Statsig, or Split, or custom setups.

This update lets users on all plans leverage existing feature flag workflows within the Vercel platform and ship safely with more confidence.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

dferber avatarandy avatartimo avatartobias avatarchriswdmr avatar

Block, rate limit, and challenge traffic with the Vercel Firewall

The Vercel Firewall now allows you to create custom rules to log, block, challenge, or rate limit (beta) traffic. The Firewall is available on all plans for free.

You can define custom rules to handle incoming traffic:

  • Rules can be based on 15+ fields including request path, user agent, IP address, JA4 fingerprint, geolocation, HTTP headers, and even target path.
  • Firewall configuration changes propagate within 300ms globally. If you make a mistake, you can instantly rollback to previous rules.

You can now see requests automatically protected by the Firewall, as well as managed custom rules for the WAF. You can also access managed rulesets, included our first ruleset available for Enterprise to mitigate the OWASP core risks.

Learn more about the WAF and available configuration options. Contact us if you want to try our private beta for rate limiting.

andrewbarba avatarjosephcollins avatardanyvolk-vercelcom avatarsueplex avatarnaaltman avatarkevinrupert avatarismaelrumzan avatardanfein avatar

Uncover accessibility issues on your deployments from the Vercel Toolbar

Accessibility Audit now runs in the background for you everywhere you have the Vercel Toolbar. You can view the compliance of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 level A and AA rules for the page you are on from the toolbar menu. The rules will show grouped by impact as defined by deque axe.

You can also turn on recording to keep track of issues that turn up as you move around a page. This feature is available to all Vercel users.

See the Accessibility Audit documentation to learn more.

gkaragkiaouris avatarvercelian avatarskllcrn avatargdborton avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatar

OPTIONS Allowlist

The OPTIONS Allowlist improves the security of deployments on Vercel by limiting CORS preflight OPTIONS requests to specified paths.

Before the OPTIONS Allowlist, all OPTIONS requests to deployments bypassed Deployment Protection in compliance with CORS specifications.

The new OPTIONS Allowlist feature is available on all plans.

Learn more about the OPTIONS Allowlist.

kitfos avatarbrookemosby avatarkevinrupert avatar

Understand Interaction to Next Paint (INP) with the Vercel Toolbar

The Vercel Toolbar now helps you investigate your site's Interaction to Next Paint (INP).

This new Core Web Vital, which impacts Google search ranking as of March 2024, is now available in the toolbar menu under Interaction Timing. As you interact with your site, this tool measures input delay, processing times, and rendering delay and allows you to inspect in detail how these are affecting each interaction's latency.

This tool can also notify you as you navigate your site of any interactions that take more than 200ms, the upper limit for a good INP score. These toasts can be configured in Preferences under the toolbar menu.

Learn more about the Vercel Toolbar and INP.

vercelian avatar

Inspect Open Graph data with the Vercel Toolbar

The Vercel Toolbar can now show a preview of how the page will look shared on social media.

After selecting "Open Graph" from the toolbar menu, you can see how your images and metadata will display on X, Slack, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The toolbar also provides information if any metadata is missing on your page, which could affect the display of social cards.

Learn more about the Vercel Toolbar.

gkaragkiaouris avatarskllcrn avatar

Aggregate and visualize traffic data with Monitoring

You can now select an aggregation when analyzing data in Vercel Monitoring. This change provides more visibility to make it easier to analyze your application.

The following new aggregations are now available, in addition to sums and counts.

  • Average values
  • Per second sums and counts
  • Minimum and maximum values
  • 75th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles
  • Percentages of the overall values

These aggregations can be used with any visualize setting, for analyzing data transfer, function duration, function execution, and request counts. Enterprise customers can also access data with a five minute granularity when viewing 24 hours of data or less.

Learn more in our documentation about Monitoring.

ethanshea avatar

waitUntil is now available for Vercel Functions

You can now use waitUntil by importing @vercel/functions in your Vercel Functions, regardless of the framework or runtime you use.

The waitUntil() method enqueues an asynchronous task to be performed during the lifecycle of the request. It doesn't block the response, but should complete before shutting down the function.

It's used to run anything that can be done after the response is sent, such as logging, sending analytics, or updating a cache, without blocking the response from being sent.

The package is supported in Next.js (including Server Actions), Vercel CLI, and other frameworks, and can be used with the Node.js and Edge runtimes.

Learn more in the documentation.

kikobeats avatarjavivelasco avatar

Vercel Functions for Hobby can now run up to 60 seconds

Based on your feedback, Hobby customers can now run functions up to 60 seconds.

Starting today, all new deployments will be able to increase the maximum duration of functions on the free tier from 10 seconds up to 60 seconds. If you need longer than 60 seconds, you can upgrade to Pro for up to 5 minutes.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

cramforce avataramyburns avatar

Recommend branch based feature flag overrides

You can now recommend feature flag overrides for specific branches in order to equip your team and quickly share work in development.

The Vercel Toolbar will suggest flag overrides to team members working on the branch locally or when visiting a branch Preview Deployment. This extends the recently announced ability to view and override your application's feature flags from Vercel Toolbar, currently in beta.

As part of this change, we’ve improved the onboarding for setting up and integrating feature flags into the toolbar.

Learn more about the Vercel Toolbar and feature flags.

dferber avatarvercelian avatarskllcrn avatar

Access groups now generally available on Enterprise plans

Enterprise customers can now manage access to critical Vercel projects across many Vercel users easier than ever with Access Groups.

Access Groups allow team administrators to create a mapping between team members and groups of Vercel projects. Users added to an Access Group will automatically be assigned access to the Projects connected to that Access Group, and will be given the default role of that group, making onboarding easier and faster than ever for new Vercel Team members.

For customers who use a third-party Identity Provider, such as Okta, Access Groups can automatically sync with their provider, making it faster to start importing users to Vercel without creating manual user group mappings (Vercel is SCIM compliant).

For example, you can have a Marketing Engineering Access Group, which has a default project role of "Developer". When a new member is added to the Marketing Engineering group, they will automatically be assigned the Developer role, and access to all Projects assigned to that group.

This builds on our advanced access controls, like project level access controls and deployment protection. Learn more about Access Groups or contact us for a demo of our access security features.

javierbyte avatarEnric avatarskllcrn avatarokbel avatarnaaltman avatarangelazhang avatarjhey avatar

Python 3.12 and Ruby 3.3 are now available

Starting today, new Python Builds and Functions will use version 3.12 and new Ruby Builds and Functions will use version 3.3.

If you need to continue using Python 3.9 or Ruby 3.2, ensure you have 18.x selected for the Node.js Version in your project settings to use the older build image.

For Python 3.9, ensure your Pipfile and corresponding Pipfile.lock have python_version set to 3.9 exactly. Similarly, for Ruby 3.2, make sure ruby "~> 3.2.x" is defined in the ‌Gemfile‍​‍​‍‌‍‌.

Check out the documentation to learn more about our supported runtimes.

janosszathmary-vercelcom avatarseanmassa-vercelcom avatartootallnate avatarbalazs4 avatargudmundur avatarofhouse avatar

Accounts can now have multiple email addresses

You can now add multiple email addresses to your Vercel account.

For example, both your personal email and work email can be attached to the same Vercel account. All verified emails attached to your account can be used to login. You can mark an email as "primary" on your account, which makes it the destination for account and project notifications.

Learn more in our documentation.

okbel avatarmegbird avatarkitfos avatarEnric avatarsimulcikmiro avatar

Faster build times with optimized uploads

We've optimized our build process to reduce upload times by 15% on average for all customers.

For customers with large builds (10,000 outputs or more), upload times have decreased by 50%. This results in a time saving of up to 5 minutes per build for several customers.

Learn more about builds in our documentation.

ofhouse avatargudmundur avatarhealeycodes avatarjanosszathmary-vercelcom avatar

Vercel Terraform Provider v1.9

The Vercel Terraform Provider allows you to create, manage and update your Vercel projects, configuration, and settings through infrastructure-as-code.

You can now control significantly more Vercel resources through Terraform:

Learn how to get started with the Terraform provider for Vercel. If you already have Terraform set up, upgrade by running:

terraform init -upgrade

dglsparsons avatar

Faster defaults for Vercel Function CPU and memory

The default CPU for Vercel Functions will change from Basic (0.6 vCPU/1GB Memory) to Standard (1 vCPU/1.7GB Memory) for new projects created after May 6th, 2024. Existing projects will remain unchanged unless manually updated.

This change helps ensure consistent function performance and faster startup times. Depending on your function code size, this may reduce cold starts by a few hundred milliseconds.

While increasing the function CPU can increase costs for the same duration, it can also make functions execute faster. If functions execute faster, you incur less overall function duration usage. This is especially important if your function runs CPU-intensive tasks.

This change will be applied to all paid plan customers (Pro and Enterprise), no action required.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

smaeda-ks avatartobias avatarquiibz avatarbrianemerick-vercelcom avatar

Improved infrastructure pricing is now active for new customers

Earlier this month, we announced our improved infrastructure pricing, which is active for new customers starting today.

Billing for existing customers begins between June 25 and July 24. For more details, please reference the email with next steps sent to your account. Existing Enterprise contracts are unaffected.

Our previous combined metrics (bandwidth and functions) are now more granular, and have reduced base prices. These new metrics can be viewed and optimized from our improved Usage page.

These pricing improvements build on recent platform features to help automatically prevent runaway spend, including hard spend limits, recursion protection, improved function defaults, Attack Challenge Mode, and more.

rauch-g avatar

Improved team onboarding experience

It’s now easier to join a team on Vercel. New team members no longer need to re-enter their email, or create a Hobby team or Pro trial. Team invite emails now lead to a sign up page customized for the team. This includes simplified sign up options that reflect the team's SSO settings.

You can invite new team members under "Members" in your team settings. Learn more about managing team members in the documentation.

tbremer avatarzlw241 avatarmegbird avatarkale-stew avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatar

Upcoming change in Let's Encrypt Chain of Trust

Important: This change does not impact customers currently using custom certificates issued by commercial CAs and using them on Vercel via the [custom certificate]( feature.

Vercel uses Let's Encrypt as its certificate authority (CA) to auto-provision TLS certificates to enable secure connections by default. When using custom domains in your Vercel app, traffic between clients and Vercel Edge Network is encrypted and protected using the auto-provisioned Let's Encrypt certificate.

As planned, on September 30th, 2024, the current Let’s Encrypt cross-sign DST Root CA X3 root certificate issued by IdenTrust will expire and no longer be available. Considering the small proportion of internet users with older devices today, Let's Encrypt has decided to officially sunset this cross-sign certificate chain. This change has been planned by Let's Encrypt over the past few years, under their mission of providing safe and secure communication to everyone who uses the Web. You can read more about this change in their blog post.

After September 30th, 2024, clients accessing your websites hosted on Vercel must be able to trust the latest ISRG Root X1 root certificate from their local trust store. Modern operating systems and browsers trust this certificate, and it should not cause any noticeable impacts on your users. However, some older devices, such as Android 7.0 or earlier, may be unable to trust the new chain by default.

You can check more details about this change and review remedy options in our public announcement on the GitHub community forum.

smaeda-ks avatarmglagola avatar

AI-enhanced search for Vercel documentation

You can now get AI-assisted answers to your questions directly from the Vercel docs search:

  • Use natural language to ask questions about the docs
  • View recent search queries and continue conversations
  • Easily copy code and markdown output
  • Leave feedback to help us improve the quality of responses

Start searching with ⌘K (or Ctrl+K on Windows) menu on

jhey avatarmolebox avatarskllcrn avatar

Gemini AI Chatbot with Generative UI support

The Gemini AI Chatbot template is a streaming-enabled, Generative UI starter application. It's built with the Vercel AI SDK, Next.js App Router, and React Server Components & Server Actions.

This template features persistent chat history, rate limiting to prevent abuse, session storage, user authentication, and more.

The Gemini model used is models/gemini-1.0-pro-001, however, the Vercel AI SDK enables exploring an LLM provider (like OpenAI, Anthropic, Cohere, Hugging Face, or using LangChain) with just a few lines of code.

Try the demo or deploy your own.

jared avatarshuding avatarshadcn avatarjrmy avatarmleiter avatar

Hostname support in Web Analytics

You can now inspect and filter hostnames in Vercel Web Analytics.

  • Domain insights: Analyze traffic by specific domains. This is beneficial for per-country domains, or for building multi-tenant applications.
  • Advanced filtering: Apply filters based on hostnames to view page views and custom events per domain.

This feature is available to all Web Analytics customers.

Learn more in our documentation about filtering.

timo avatartobias avatar

Node.js v20 LTS is now generally available

Node.js 20 is now fully supported for Builds and Vercel Functions. You can select 20.x in the Node.js Version section on the General page in the Project Settings. The default version for new projects is now Node.js 20.

Node.js 20 offers improved performance and introduces new core APIs to reduce the dependency on third-party libraries in your project.

The exact version used by Vercel is 20.11.1 and will automatically update minor and patch releases. Therefore, only the major version (20.x) is guaranteed.

Read the documentation for more.

ofhouse avatarjanosszathmary-vercelcom avatarseanmassa-vercelcom avatartootallnate avatarhealeycodes avatargargisharma-vercelcom avatargudmundur avatar

Skew Protection is now generally available

Last year, we introduced Vercel's industry-first Skew Protection mechanism and we're happy to announce it is now generally available.

Skew Protection solves two problems with frontend applications:

  1. If users try to request assets (like CSS or JavaScript files) in the middle of a deployment, Skew Protection enables truly zero-downtime rollouts and ensures those requests resolve successfully.
  2. Outdated clients are able to call the correct API endpoints (or React Server Actions) when new server code is published from the latest deployment.

Since the initial release of Skew Protection, we have made the following improvements:

  • Skew Protection can now be managed through UI in the advanced Project Settings
  • Pro customers now default to 12 hours of protection
  • Enterprise customers can get up to 7 days of protection

Skew Protection is now supported in SvelteKit (v5.2.0 of the Vercel adapter), previously supported in Next.js (stable in v14.1.4), and more frameworks soon. Framework authors can view a reference implementation here.

Learn more in the documentation to get started with Skew Protection.

styfle avatarjj4 avatarcramforce avatar

Next.js AI Chatbot 2.0

The Next.js AI Chatbot template has been updated to use AI SDK 3.0 with React Server Components.

We've included Generative UI examples so you can get quickly create rich chat interfaces beyond just plain text. The chatbot has also been upgraded to the latest Next.js App Router and Shadcn UI.

Lastly, we've simplified the default authentication setup by removing the need to create a GitHub OAuth application prior to initial deployment. This will make it faster to deploy and also easier for open source contributors to use Vercel Preview Deployments when they make changes.

Try the demo or deploy your own.

jared avatarshadcn avatarlgrammel avatarjrmy avatarshuding avatarmleiter avatar

Prioritize production builds available on all plans

To accelerate the production release process, customers on all plans can now prioritize changes to the Production Environment over Preview Deployments.

With this setting configured, any Production Deployment changes will skip the line of queued Preview Deployments and go to the front of the queue.

You can also increase your build concurrency limits to give you the ability to start multiple builds at once. Additionally, Enterprise customers can also contact sales to purchase enhanced build machines with larger memory and storage.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

ofhouse avatarmcocirio avatar

Manage your Vercel Functions CPU and memory in the dashboard

You can now configure Function CPU from the project settings page, where you can change your project’s default memory, and by extension CPU. Previously, this could only be changed in vercel.json.

The memory configuration of a function determines how much memory and CPU the function can use while executing. This new UI makes it more clear increasing memory boosts vCPU, which can result in better performance, depending on workload type.

Existing workloads (that have not modified vercel.json) are using the cost-effective basic option. Increasing function CPU increases the cost for the same duration, but may result in a faster function. This faster function may make the change net-neutral (or a price decrease in some cases).

Check out the documentation to learn more.

smaeda-ks avatartiagoloureiro-vercelcom avatarbrianemerick-vercelcom avatarkropp avatarsambecker avatarismaelrumzan avatar

Improved hard caps for Spend Management

Pro customers can now automatically pause all projects when a spend amount is reached.

Spend Management allows you to receive notifications, trigger a webhook, and now more immediately pause projects when metered usage exceeds the set amount within the current billing cycle. This stops you incurring further cost from the production deployments.

  • You'll receive realtime notifications when your spending approaches and exceeds the set amount. For further control, you can continue to use a webhook in addition to automatic project pausing
  • This includes Web and Email notifications at 50%, 75%, and 100%. You can also receive SMS notifications when your spending reaches 100%

Check out our documentation to learn more.

ariand avatarskllcrn avatarmbrakken avatarsdesetty11 avataramyburns avatar

Support for Remix with Vite

Vercel now supports deploying Remix applications using Vite.

import { vitePlugin as remix } from '@remix-run/dev';
import { installGlobals } from '@remix-run/node';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import tsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths';
import { vercelPreset } from '@vercel/remix/vite';
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      presets: [vercelPreset()],

Configuring your Remix application with the Vercel Vite preset.

We've collaborated with the Remix team to add Server Bundles to Remix. Vercel will now detect Remix projects using Vite and optimize them using our new Vite preset (@vercel/remix/vite).

This preset enables adding additional features for Remix on Vercel such as:

  • Streaming SSR: Dynamically stream content with both Node.js and Edge runtimes
  • API Routes: Easily build your serverless API with Remix and a route loader
  • Advanced Caching: Use powerful cache headers like stale-while-revalidate
  • Data Mutations: Run actions inside Vercel Functions

Deploy Remix to Vercel or learn more in the docs.

tootallnate avatar

View and override feature flags from the Vercel Toolbar

You can now view and override your application's feature flags from the Vercel Toolbar.

This means you can override flags provided by LaunchDarkly, Optimizely, Statsig, Hypertune, Split, or your custom setup without leaving your Vercel environment.

Vercel can now query an API Route defined in your application to find out about your feature flags, and will pick up their values by scanning the DOM for script tags. From there you can create overrides from the Vercel Toolbar, per session, for shorter feedback loops and improved QA and testing. Additionally, the overrides will be stored in an optionally encrypted cookie so your application can respect them.

This functionality is currently in beta and available to users on all plans.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

If you're a feature flag provider and interested in integrating with the Vercel Toolbar, contact us.

dferber avatarandy avatarsambecker avatarskllcrn avataramorris avatarchriswdmr avatargkaragkiaouris avatarjhey avatar

Prevent malicious traffic with Attack Challenge Mode for the Vercel Firewall

Vercel Firewall protects your application from DDoS attacks.

Spikes in high volumes of traffic sometimes indicate malicious activity on your site. Customers can now quickly lock down traffic and further protect against DDoS attacks by challenging requests, minimizing the chance that malicious bots get through.

Attack Challenge Mode is now available for all Vercel customers at no additional cost. When temporarily enabled, all visitors to your site will see a challenge screen before they are allowed through.

Learn how to enable Attack Challenge Mode and protect your site.

naaltman avatarjosephcollins avatarandrewbarba avatarkevinrupert avatarskllcrn avataramyburns avatar

@vercel/otel 1.3.0

Vercel and Next.js provide increased observability of your applications through OpenTelemetry.

import { registerOTel } from '@vercel/otel';
export function register() {
  registerOTel({ serviceName: 'acme-co' });

Using the Vercel OTEL package with Next.js.

v1.3.0 of @vercel/otel now providing custom resource and operation names for Datadog to satisfy their cardinality requirements. You can group related URL paths for a given span to reduce cardinality and associated usage.

For example, /products/hoodie can be mapped to /products/[name].

Learn more in our documentation or start using the package with Next.js.

dvoytenko avatarjj4 avatarandrewgadzikvercel avatargdborton avatar

No action required: Lowering default function timeout in new Enterprise projects

The default Vercel Function timeout of all new projects for Enterprise customers will be reduced to 15 seconds on Feb 20th. This change helps prevent unintentional function usage, unless explicitly opted into the longer function duration (up to 15 minutes).

Existing Enterprise projects will not have their defaults changed.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

ecklf avatartiagoloureiro-vercelcom avatar

UTM parameter support in Web Analytics

UTM parameters are now available in Vercel Web Analytics, enabling detailed insights into marketing campaign effectiveness directly from the dashboard.

  • Visibility into campaign performance: Analyze traffic by specific campaigns, mediums, sources, content, and terms using UTM parameters.
  • Advanced filtering: Apply filters based on UTM parameters for deeper insights into the impact of your marketing campaigns.
  • Historical UTM data: Start analyzing past campaigns immediately with historical data automatically included.

This feature is available to Pro customers with Web Analytics Plus and Enterprise customers.

timo avatartobias avatar

AI Integrations and playground in the Vercel Dashboard

You can now incorporate AI models and services from industry-leading providers into your Vercel projects with a single click.

  • AI tab: Seamlessly integrate with 3rd-party AI providers and vector databases.
  • Playground: In-dashboard playground to explore and experiment with models and preview their outputs.

Check out the documentation to get started.

jared avatarmleiter avatarjueungraceyun avatarnarendras avatarmrncst avatarhedizandi-vercelcom avatarmolebox avatarkale-stew avatar

Recent Preview Deployments now displayed in the dashboard

Preview deployments you have recently viewed or deployed are now accessible from the Recent Previews column on your dashboard.

Each recent preview includes a link to the deployment's page in Vercel and a link to the PR or source on your git provider's site when available.

Learn more in the dashboard overview documentation.

michael-wenzel avatarmrncst avatarsambecker avatarskllcrn avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatarjhey avatar

Invite collaborators to view and comment on your deployments

You can now invite emails or team members to view a deployment through the share menu. All invitees will receive an email with a link to the deployment and have access to comment if comments are enabled.

The share menu will display who currently has access to a given deployment. Users with sufficient permissions will also be able to revoke access.

Visit the documentation to learn more about all options for sharing deployments.

gkaragkiaouris avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatarskllcrn avatarkonst-v avataramyburns avatarmolebox avatar

Sensitive environment variables are now available

You can now add sensitive Environment Variables to your projects for added security of secret values like API keys.

While all Environment Variables are encrypted, sensitive values can only be decrypted during builds. This replaces our legacy secrets implementation which is being sunset.

Get started using Sensitive Environment Variables through the dashboard or with Vercel CLI 33.4.

anatrajkovska avatarmarcgreenstock avatarokbel avatarangelazhang avatar

Legacy environment variable secrets are being sunset

Legacy secrets are being sunset in favor of Sensitive Environment Variables, which are now shareable across projects.

  • Existing legacy secrets will be automatically converted. You do not need to manually take action for non-development values. Read below to view your impacted projects.
  • All Environment Variables remain securely encrypted. The majority of Vercel workloads have moved from the legacy secrets functionality.

On May 1st, 2024 secrets will be automatically converted to sensitive Environment Variables for Preview and Production environments. Secrets attached to Development environments will not be migrated.

Why are legacy secrets being sunset?

Our legacy secrets were encrypted values global for your entire team and could only be managed through the CLI. Based on your feedback, we have since:

When will I no longer be able to use secrets?

On May 1st, 2024secrets will be removed from Vercel CLI:

  • Existing secrets added to the Preview and Production environments will be converted to Sensitive Environment Variables
  • Existing secrets added to the Development environment will not be migrated for your security. If you have a secret shared between all environments, including Development, it will not be migrated. These values must be manually migrated.

How can I migrate to Sensitive Environment Variables?

Secrets for Preview and Production environments will be automatically migrated.

For secrets which contain the Development environment, you should create new Sensitive Environment Variables, as these values will not be automatically migrated for your security. If you need to share Environment Variables across projects, you can make them shared.

How can I understand if I’m affected?

To list projects using secrets that will be automatically converted, run:

vercel secrets ls

View the secrets added to your Vercel teams.

anatrajkovska avatarmarcgreenstock avatarokbel avatarangelazhang avatar

Instrument and trace applications with the OpenTelemetry collector

Vercel and Next.js provide increased observability of your applications through OpenTelemetry.

import { registerOTel } from '@vercel/otel';
export function register() {
  registerOTel({ serviceName: 'acme-co' });

Using the Vercel OTEL package with Next.js.

v1.0 of @vercel/otel now supports:

  • Support for Node.js and Edge runtimes
  • Telemetry context propagation, including W3C Trace Context
  • Fetch API instrumentation with context propagation
  • Support and auto-configuration for the Vercel OTEL collector
  • Enhanced metadata reporting
  • Sampling support
  • Custom tracing exporter support
  • Batched trace exporting

Learn more in our documentation or start using the package with Next.js.

dvoytenko avatarjj4 avatarandrewgadzikvercel avatargdborton avatar

Switch between branches directly from deployments

You can now switch between branches directly from the Vercel Toolbar.

Access the command menu through the toolbar or ⌘K (Ctrl+K on Windows) and select branch switcher. You’ll see your team’s branches sorted to highlight those with recent activity or unread comments. Then, select a branch to switch to that deployment.

Learn more about the command menu and other features of the toolbar.

gkaragkiaouris avatargdborton avatarskllcrn avatar

Public environment variables now display a warning

When creating and editing Environment Variables on Vercel, you can now see hints to warn you of potentially leaking secret values to the public. This supports all frameworks that use a prefix to mark an environment variable as safe to use on the client like:

  • Next.js
  • Create React App
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt
  • Gridsome
  • Gatsby
  • SvelteKit
  • Vite

Learn more about Environment Variables.

JohnPhamous avatarsambecker avatar

Improved resiliency for Vercel Functions with inter-region failover support

Vercel Functions can now automatically failover to the next healthy region.

Vercel's Edge Network is resilient to regional outages by automatically rerouting traffic to static assets. Vercel Functions also have multiple availability zone redundancy by default. We are now enhancing this further with support for multi-region redundancy for Functions.

In the instance of a regional outage, traffic directed towards your Vercel Function using the Node.js runtime will be automatically re-routed to the next healthy region, ensuring continuous service delivery and uptime without manual intervention.

Failover regions are also supported through Vercel Secure Compute, which allows you to create private connections between your databases and other private infrastructure.

You can configure which regions to failover to in your vercel.json file. For example, you might want to fallback to many different regions, or specific regions in a country.

  "functionFailoverRegions": ["iad1", "cle1"]

Defining your fallback regions in your configuration file.

Enterprise teams can enable this feature in their project settings. If you are not on Enterprise, get in touch to upgrade and enable function failover.

ctgowrie avatartsiege avatarabdelsabbah avataremeraldsanto avatar

Webhooks are now generally available

Webhooks allow you to get notified through a defined HTTP endpoint about certain deployment or project events that happened on the Vercel platform.

Webhooks are now available for all Pro and Enterprise customers. You can create a maximum of 20 webhooks per account.

Check out our documentation to create your first webhook.

adriancooney avatarfabiobenedetti avatarecklf avatarchriswdmr avatar

Protect your Edge Config with a JSON schema

You can now protect your Edge Config with a JSON schema. Use schema protection to prevent unexpected updates that may cause bugs or downtime.

Edge Config is a low latency data store accessed from Vercel Functions or Edge Middleware. It is ideal for storing experimentation data like feature flags and A/B testing cohorts, as well as configuration data for Middleware routing rules like redirects or blocklists.

To protect an Edge Config with a schema:

  • Select the Storage tab in the dashboard and then create or select your Edge Config
  • Toggle the Schema button to open the schema editing tab. Enter your JSON schema into the editor, and Vercel will use the schema to validate your data in real-time
  • Click Save. This will save changes to both the schema and data

Check out the documentation to learn more.

amorris avatardferber avatarandy avatarchriswdmr avatar

Improved domains page

Viewing domains for your team now has faster search and a refreshed design.

It's now easier to filter domains based on their renewal status, as well as see options to configure, transfer, move, or delete individual domains.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

JohnPhamous avatarskllcrn avatar

Convert comments to GitHub Issues

With the GitHub Issues integration, you can now convert comments to GitHub Issues.

For teams who use GitHub Issues and Projects to track work, this allows comments to fit into your existing workflow. Collect and discuss feedback in-context on your deployment with comments and then convert those threads to issues to manage and track that work.

Your converted issues will contain the full thread, attached images and screenshots, and a link back to the thread within the preview.

GitHub Issues is part of our growing collection of integrations for comments which includes Slack, Linear, and Jira, now available to all Vercel users.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

vercelian avatarskllcrn avataramyburns avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatar

Up to 5 TB file transfers with Blob multipart uploads

Vercel Blob now supports storing files up to 5 TB with multipart uploads.

When using multipart: true, put() and upload() will progressively read and chunk data, upload it in parts, and retry if there are issues.

import { upload } from '@vercel/blob/client';

const blob = await upload('big-file.mp4', file, {
  access: 'public',
  handleUploadUrl: '/api/upload',
  multipart: true // 🚀

Uploading a big video file to Vercel Blob

Network output is maximized without consuming too much memory. Multipart uploads support retrying streams (Node.js streams and the Web Streams API), a unique feature amongst file upload APIs.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

vvoyer avatarluimey avatar

Metrics for outgoing requests

You can now see all outgoing requests for a selected log in Runtime Logs.

Logs now display the status, duration, URL, and a trace for each request. Request metrics work with every request on Vercel, so all frameworks are supported. This makes it easier to debug latency and caching inside your Vercel Functions or when calling databases.

This release also includes various of quality-of-life improvements in the Logs UI.

Request metrics are free while in beta and only available to Pro and Enterprise customers.

darpan avatartimo avatartobias avatarjavivelasco avatarkikobeats avatar

Pinecone integration now available for vector databases

You can now use the Pinecone integration to create vector databases for your AI applications. Vector databases enable augmenting LLMs with the ability to retrieve additional knowledge (RAG) from your provided sources.

This integration is available for users on all plans.

Check out the integration to get started.

jared avatar

Vercel Firewall proactively protects against vulnerability in the Clerk SDK

A security vulnerability in the @clerk/nextjs SDK was identified by the Clerk team recently, which allows malicious actors to act-on-behalf-of other users.

The Clerk team has already released a patch with the latest version. Please check the public announcement by the Clerk team for more details.

While we still recommend updating to the latest version of the Clerk SDK, Vercel has taken proactive measures on our Firewall to protect our customers on all plans.

We will continue efforts to proactively protect Clerk + Next.js deployments on Vercel through the Vercel Firewall, regardless of Clerk's Next.js SDK version running.

smaeda-ks avataraaronbrown avatar

Easier transitions between hobby and pro

Your Vercel personal account will soon automatically become a free team.

What is changing?

  • Your personal projects will live under a new free team with the slug {username}s-projects.
  • Future auto-generated deployment URLs will end with {username}
  • Your original username remains unchanged and can be viewed in your account settings.
  • Existing deployments will not be affected.

Your free Vercel experience will remain unchanged. Upgrading and downgrading will now be easier, as they will no longer require transferring projects.

When will my account be updated?

We'll start rolling out this change today and it might take some time before it's your turn. Once it's your turn, in most cases, update should happen instantly.

For a small number of accounts with thousands of projects or deployments, you may temporarily see a message displayed on the dashboard. During this update period, you will have read access to your personal account projects and resources, but not write access.

Who can I contact if something seems off?

Please contact us using the “Account Management” case type if you have questions about this change or notice something wrong with your account.

tcc-sejohnson avatarchibicode avatarkale-stew avatar

Login with passkey is now supported

You can now use passkeys to login to Vercel including touch, facial recognition, a device password, or a PIN. Passkeys provide a simple and secure authentication option.

How do I use passkeys on Vercel?

  1. Under the Authentication page of Account Settings you will find a passkey button
  2. Click the passkey button to add a new passkey
  3. Select the authenticator of preference and follow the instructions
  4. The new passkey will appear in your list of login connections
  5. You are now able to log in with passkeys

Learn more in our documentation.

anatrajkovska avatarnaaltman avatarokbel avatarskllcrn avatar

HTTPS DNS records are now supported in Vercel DNS

You can now create HTTPS DNS records in Vercel DNS.

The new HTTPS DNS record type, also known as SVCB or Service Binding record, has recently been published as RFC 9460.

This record type is designed for the HTTP protocol to improve client performance and privacy in establishing secure connections. The record can include additional information about the target server, such as supported ALPN protocols (e.g., HTTP/2, HTTP/3, etc), which can eliminate the need for protocol negotiation/upgrade between client and server to minimize the number of round trips.

Since the HTTPS record type is still a new standard, not all HTTP clients can support it. Learn more in our documentation.

smaeda-ks avatar

Improvements to deployment summaries

Deployment summaries help you understand how changes in your frontend application code lead to managed infrastructure on Vercel. We've improved the output with the following:

  • Static assets now display a leading / for output paths
  • Files sizes are now vertically aligned for easier visual scanning
  • Next.js Metadata outputs are properly categorized under static assets
  • Partial Prerendering now displays the generated Vercel Functions

Read more in our documentation or learn more about framework-defined infrastructure.

JohnPhamous avatarsambecker avatar

Restrict access with IP blocking by CIDR range

Vercel Firewall protects your application from DDoS attacks and unauthorized access.

Enterprise teams now have increased security with the ability to control traffic and restrict access through static IP addresses or entire network CIDR ranges.

Stay secure by blocking entire subnets, or restricting access from untrusted networks, to prevent attacks against your applications.

Learn more in our documentation or contact our sales team to upgrade to Enterprise.

naaltman avatartsiege avatar

View, upload, and delete Blob files in the dashboard

You can now manage your Vercel Blob files from the dashboard using the new file browser:

  • View individual files or folders
  • Upload new files, including support for drag-and-drop and bulk uploads
  • Delete individual files or in bulk

Try it out or learn more about Vercel Blob.

vvoyer avatarluimey avatar

Improved Log Drain filtering

Log Drains now support the following options through the dashboard and API:

  1. Filtering based on environment (production or preview)
  2. Configuring a sample size to reduce the throughput

Learn more in our documentation.

chriswdmr avatarjooliashi avatardarpan avatar

Stage and manually promote deployments to production

You can now control when domains are assigned to deployments, enabling the manual promotion of production deployments to serve traffic.

When a new deployment is created (with our Git Integrations, CLI, or REST API), Vercel will automatically apply any custom domains configured for the project.

You can now create staged deployments that do not assign domains, which can later be promoted to production and serve traffic. This is helpful for custom workflows and having multiple production environments for QA or testing.

From the dashboard

  • Disable the assignment of domains for your production branch in your Git project settings.
  • Find your deployment from the list of all deployments and use the right menu to select Promote to Production.

From the CLI

  • vercel --prod --skip-domain
  • vercel promote [deployment-id or url]

Learn more in our documentation.

seanmassa-vercelcom avatarsambecker avatarmcocirio avatarchrisbarber avatartrekglowacki-vercelcom avatar

Revert and pin deployments with Instant Rollback

Instant Rollback enables you to quickly revert to a previous production deployment, making it easier to fix breaking changes.

You can now choose to prevent the automatic assignment of production domains when rolling back. Reverted deployments will not be replaced by new production deployments until you manually promote a new deployment.

Learn more in our documentation.

seanmassa-vercelcom avatarsambecker avatarmcocirio avatarchrisbarber avatartrekglowacki-vercelcom avatar

Manually create deployments by commit or branch in the dashboard

You can now initiate new deployments directly from the dashboard using a git reference. This approach is helpful when git providers have service interruptions with webhook delivery.

To create a deployment from a git branch or SHA:

  1. From the dashboard, select the project you'd like to create a deployment for.
  2. Select the Deployments tab. Once on the Deployments page, select the Create Deployment button in the three dots to the right of the Deployments header.

Depending on how you would like to deploy, enter the following:

  1. Targeted Deployments: Provide the unique ID (SHA) of a commit to build a deployment based on that specific commit.
  2. Branch-Based Deployments: Provide the full name of a branch when you want to build the most recent changes from that specific branch.

Finally, select Create Deployment and Vercel will build and deploy your commit or branch.

When the same commit appears in multiple branches, Vercel will prompt you to choose the appropriate branch configuration. This choice is crucial as it affects settings like environment variables linked to each branch.

Learn more in our documentation.

ofhouse avatarbalazs4 avatarsambecker avatarmcocirio avatar

Improved build compute performance for Enterprise customers

Enterprise customers now have faster build compute infrastructure by default.

Builds are now 15% faster than Pro by median, and 7% faster than the previous Enterprise build infrastructure. Additionally, Enterprise customers can now purchase enhanced build machines with larger memory and storage.

Learn more about builds or contact us to upgrade to Enterprise.

gudmundur avatarhealeycodes avatargargisharma-vercelcom avatarjanosszathmary-vercelcom avatarmcocirio avatar

Vercel Functions now scale 12x faster for high-volume requests

Vercel Functions now scale 12x faster for high-volume requests on paid plans:

  • The default concurrency quota has increased to 30,000
  • Scale out by 1,000+ concurrency every 10 seconds automatically
  • Ideal for unpredictable traffic or flash sales

Learn more about automatic concurrency scaling with Vercel Functions.

timer avatar

Unified documentation search across Vercel, Next.js, and Turborepo

Searching across the Vercel documentation is now faster and more intuitive with a redesigned ⌘+K menu that includes:

  • Cross-platform search: Search across Vercel, Next.js, and Turborepo documentation sites from the Vercel docs or dashboard.
  • Customized search results: Filter your search by choosing specific platforms–Vercel, Next.js, or Turborepo–or view all results combined.
  • Most relevant results: Quickly view the three most relevant results to your query, ensuring you get the best matches instantly.

You can access the menu by pressing ⌘+K on macOS or Ctrl+K on Windows and Linux from the Vercel documentation site or dashboard with Shift+D.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

jhey avatarmolebox avatar

Improved Speed Insights experience

Speed Insights measures site performance and helps you understand areas for improvement. This includes Core Web Vitals like First Contentful Paint, Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, and more.

The Speed Insights experience has been improved to include:

  • Support for all frontend frameworks: You can now use Speed Insights with any framework using the new @vercel/speed-insights package. This includes supporting dynamic route segments in frameworks like SvelteKit and Remix.
  • First-party data ingestion: Data will now be processed directly through your own domain, eliminating the third-party domain lookup.
  • Updated scoring criteria: All previous and future metrics measured by Speed Insights are now updated with new weights, based on the latest guidance from Core Web Vitals and Lighthouse.
  • UI improvements: You can now view performance data by region. Displayed metrics now default to p75 (the experience of the fastest 75% of your users).
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB): This metric is now measured, providing visibility into how quickly the server responds to the first request.
  • Advanced customization: New tools to intercept requests and set sample rates on a per-project basis.

Speed Insights is available on all plans. Learn more about upgrading to the new package and see how to take advantage of the new features.

tobias avatartimo avatarfeugy avatarchriswdmr avatar

Conformance and Code Owners are now generally available for Enterprise teams

Today, we're releasing new features to Vercel's Developer Experience Platform to help Enterprise teams ship higher quality code, faster—even as teams and codebases scale:

Conformance: Maintain high-quality code standards across projects in your codebase.

  • Conformance CLI: Run Conformance in your CI/CD systems to block the merge of new code, or run it locally to catch issues before even committing them.
  • Custom Rules: Add organization-specific rules to ensure codebase consistency.

Code Owners: Integrate with your Git client for streamlined code reviews and smart reviewer assignments.

  • Reviewer Assignments: Intelligent code review assignments based on your organization's structure.
  • Modifiers: Customize your review process to fit your team's needs. Assign reviews in a round-robin style, based on who's on call, or to the whole team.

A reimagined dashboard experience: When you start using Conformance, you’ll see a reengineered workspace to surface code health insights, aid cross-team collaboration, and ensure a better onboarding experience for new team members.

Check out the documentation to learn more or contact us to get started.

mknichel avatarmrmckeb avatarcodybrouwers avatarmcocirio avatarpearllatteier-vercelcom avatargaspar09 avatarpaulo avatarskllcrn avatar

Node.js 16 is being deprecated on January 31, 2025

Following the Node.js 16 end of life on September 11, 2023, we are deprecating Node.js 16 for Builds and Functions on January 31, 2025.

Will my existing deployments be affected?

No, existing deployments with Serverless Functions will not be affected.

When will I no longer be able to use Node.js 16?

On January 31, 2025, Node.js 16 will be disabled in project settings. Existing projects using 16 as the version for Functions will display an error when a new deployment is created.

How can I upgrade to Node.js 18?

You can configure your Node.js version in project settings or through the engines field in package.json.

How can I see which of my projects are affected?

You can see which of your projects are affected by this deprecation with:

npm i -g vercel@latest
vercel project ls --update-required

View projects that require updating to the latest version of Node.js.

leerob avatar

Faster and more reliable Managed Infrastructure

We've upgraded our Managed Infrastructure resulting in up to 45% faster routing at p99 and reliability improvements for all plans.

When a request is made to a Vercel-managed site, traffic is routed to the nearest Edge Network region with our Anycast routing. Vercel processes the request, identifies the deployment to serve, and instantly retrieves related metadata about the requested deployment.

Now with optimized metadata retrieval and routing, this performance enhancement benefits all workloads. Responses to static resources are then fetched from storage, or dynamic content is generated through Vercel Functions, based on the routing details from the deployment metadata.

These infrastructure improvements benefit all existing and new deployments. Deploy now or learn more about Vercel's Managed Infrastructure.

brookemosby avatar

Upgrading Ruby v2.7 to v3.2

source ""
ruby "~> 3.2.x"

Ruby v3.2 is now generally available, and is the new default runtime version for Ruby based Builds and Serverless Functions. Additionally, Ruby v2.7 will be discontinued on December 7th, 2023.

  • Existing deployments that use Ruby v2.7 will continue to work
  • New deployments will use Ruby v3.2 by default, or if ruby "~> 3.2.x" is defined in the ‌Gemfile‍​‍​‍‌‍‌
  • After December 7th, 2023, new deployments that define ruby "~> 2.7.x" in the ‌Gemfile‍​‍​‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‌‌‍‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‍‌‌​‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‌​‌‍‌‍‌‌‌‌‍​​‍‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍​‍​‍​​‍​‍‌‍‍​‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌‍​‍​‍​‍‍​‍​‍​‍‌‍​‌‌​​‌‍‍‌​‍‌‍​‍‌‍​‌‍‌‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‌​‌‍‍‌‌‌​​‌‍‌‌​‌​​‌‌‍​‌‍‌‌‌‍​‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‍​‌​‍‌‌‌‌‌​‌​​‍​​‌‌​‍​‌‍‍‌​​‌‌​‍‌‌‍‍‌‍‌​​‌‌‍‌‌‌​​‌‌‍‍‌​‍‌‍‌‌​​‌‌‍‌‌​‍​‍‌‌ will no longer build

Only the minor version (3.2) is guaranteed, meaning we will always use the latest patch version available within the minor range.

Read the documentation for more.

tootallnate avatarethanarrowood-vercel avatarseanmassa-vercelcom avatar

Convert Comments on deployments to Jira issues

Comments on your deployments can now be converted into Jira issues. This makes it easy to take action on feedback in the workflows your team is already using.

You can name your issue and select the project and issue type without leaving your deployment. Issues retain the full thread history with any attached images and include a link back to where the comment was left.

Jira is part of our growing collection of integrations for comments which includes Slack and Linear, available to Pro and Enterprise users as well as Hobby users with public git repositories.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

vercelian avatars3prototype avatarskllcrn avatar

Node.js v20 LTS is now available in beta

As of today, Node.js version 20 can be used as the runtime for Builds and Serverless Functions. Select 20.x in the Node.js Version section on the General page in the Project Settings. The default version remains Node.js 18.

Node.js 20 introduces several new features including:

  • New experimental permission model
  • Synchronous import.meta.resolve
  • Stable test runner
  • Performance updates to V8 JavaScript Engine and Ada (URL Parser)

Node.js 20 is faster and introduces new core APIs eliminating the need for some third-party libraries in your project. Support for Node.js 20 on Vercel is currently in beta.

The exact version used by Vercel is 20.5.1 and will automatically update minor and patch releases. Therefore, only the major version (20.x) is guaranteed.

Read the documentation for more.

ethanarrowood-vercel avatartootallnate avatarjanosszathmary-vercelcom avatargudmundur avatar

Vercel Cron Jobs are now generally available

Vercel Cron Jobs let you to run scheduled jobs for things like data backups or archives, triggering updates to third-party APIs, sending email and Slack notifications, or any task you need to run on a schedule.

By using a specific syntax called a cron expression, you can define the frequency and timing of each task. Cron Jobs work with any frontend framework and can be defined in vercel.json. You can use them to run your Serverless Functions and Edge Functions.

During the beta, we made Cron Jobs more secure by providing an environment variable with the name CRON_SECRET. We also added support for Deployment Protection and Instant Rollback.

Cron Jobs are now included for customers on all plans. Per account, users on the Hobby plan will have access to 2 Cron Jobs, users on the Pro plan will have access to 40 Cron Jobs, and users on the Enterprise plan will have access to 100 Cron Jobs.

Check out our documentation or deploy an example with Cron Jobs.

andy avatarchriswdmr avatarvvoyer avatar

Automatically detect and replay layout shifts from the Vercel Toolbar

Vercel can now automatically detect and replay layout shifts on your deployments from the Vercel Toolbar.

Layout shifts are reported and notified through the Toolbar. Each reported shift includes a summary of what caused the shift and how many elements it affected. Additionally, you replay and animate the shift to see it again.

The Toolbar is automatically added to all Preview Deployments, but can also be used in localhost and in production (likely behind your own staff authentication checks) when using the @vercel/toolbar package.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

vercelian avatarsamsaliba-vercelcom avatarskllcrn avatarjhey avatar

Vercel Firewall proactively protects against vulnerability in the Sentry Next.js SDK

A security vulnerability was discovered that affects Sentry’s Next.js SDK, which made it possible to exploit Sentry’s Tunnel feature to establish Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attacks.

The Sentry team has already released a patch with the latest version 7.77.0.

While we still recommend updating to the latest version of the Sentry SDK, Vercel has taken proactive measures on our firewall to protect our customers.

We will continue to proactively protect all Sentry + Next.js deployments on Vercel through the Vercel Firewall, regardless of Sentry's Next.js SDK version running.

matheus avatarsmaeda-ks avatar

Backups now available for Vercel Edge Config

Vercel Edge Config is our global low-latency data store for feature flags, experiments, and configuration metadata. Now, backups of your Edge Config are automatically created with every update to an Edge Config's items. You can restore backups from the Storage tab in your Vercel dashboard.

Customers on all plans can take advantage of backups. Hobby customers have 7 days of backup retention, Pro customers have 90 days of backup retention, and Enterprise customers have 365 days of backup retention.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

amorris avatardferber avataramyburns avatar

More detailed report on out of memory or disk space errors on builds

You will now see more information in the build logs when your build fails due to either exhausting the available memory (OOM) or disk space (ENOSPC).

In the case of OOM, your build logs will confirm the event. For ENOSPC situations, detailed information on disk space allocation is provided.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

pvdz avatarofhouse avatar

Favorite teams and projects to appear in your dashboard

We recently introduced an improved project and team switcher on Vercel, including the option to favorite projects.

Now, favorited projects will also appear in your dashboard overview, and you can easily add and remove them from the context menu.

skllcrn avatarJohnPhamous avatar

Deployment Protection is now enabled by default for new projects

Deployment Protection is now enabled by default for all new projects, and our full set of protection options is now generally available.

Deployment Protection includes a series of features that ensure you can keep your Vercel deployments secure. Secure your Preview and Production deployments with:

  • Vercel Authentication: Restricts access to your deployments to only Vercel users with suitable access rights. Vercel Authentication is available on all plans.
  • Password Protection: Restricts access to your deployments to only users with the correct password. Password Protection is available on the Enterprise plan, or as a paid add-on for Pro plans.
  • Trusted IPs: Restricts access to your deployments to only users with the correct IP address. Trusted IPs is available in addition to Vercel Authentication and available as a part of the Enterprise plan.

To configure existing deployments with Deployment Protection, you can use this migration guide. For all new deployments, Deployment Protection with Vercel Authentication is now enabled by default.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

kitfos avatarbalazs4 avatarnaaltman avatar

Protect past Production Deployments with Deployment Protection

Ensure your past production deployments remain secure by enabling Standard Protection as the default setting for your deployments. With Standard Protection, Vercel Authentication or Password Protection will ensure that all of your preview and production deployments remain secure.

Migrating existing deployments to use Standard Protection will protect both preview and generated production URLs. Standard Protection restricts access to the production generated deployment URL

Learn more about migrating to Standard Protection in our documentation.

Deployment Protection is available on all plans.

kitfos avatarbalazs4 avatarnaaltman avatar

Trusted IPs for Deployment Protection is now Generally Available

Trusted IPs are a feature of Deployment Protection that allow you to limit access to your deployments by IP address. Configure Trusted IPs in addition to Vercel Authentication to ensure only your team members can access and make changes to your deployments.

For customers who rely on a VPN or additional proxy, Trusted IPs ensure you can restrict access to your deployments to only users behind the VPN.

You can configure Trusted IPs by specifying a list of IPv4 addresses, or by CIDR ranges.

Trusted IP for Deployment Protection is only available for customers on the Enterprise plan.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

kitfos avatarbalazs4 avatarnaaltman avatar

Next.js 14 on Vercel

Next.js 14 is fully supported on Vercel. Build data-driven, personalized experiences for your visitors with Next.js, and automatically deploy to Vercel with optimizations, including:

  • Streaming: The Next.js App Router natively supports streaming responses. Display instant loading states and stream in units of UI as they are rendered. Streaming is possible for Node.js and Edge runtimes—with no code changes—with Vercel Functions.
  • React Server Components: Server Components allow you to define data fetching at the component level, and easily express your caching and revalidation strategies. On Vercel, this is supported natively with Vercel Functions and the Vercel Data Cache, a new caching architecture that can store both static content and data fetches.
  • React Server Actions: Server Actions enable you to skip manually writing APIs and instead call JavaScript functions directly for data mutations. On Vercel, Server Actions use Vercel Functions.
  • Partial Prerendering (Experimental): A new compiler optimization for dynamic content with a fast initial static response based on a decade of research and development into server-side rendering (SSR), static-site generation (SSG), and incremental static revalidation (ISR).

Additionally in Next.js 14 you will find:

  • Turbopack: 5,000 tests passing for App & Pages Router with 53.3% faster local server startup and 94.7% faster code updates with Fast Refresh.
  • Forms and mutations: The user experience is improved when the user has a slow network connection, or when submitting a form from a lower powered device.
  • Metadata: Blocking and non-blocking metadata are now decoupled. Only a small subset of metadata options are blocking, and we ensured non-blocking metadata will not prevent a partially prerendered page from serving the static shell.
  • Logging: More verbose logging around fetch caching can be enabled.
  • create-next-app: There is now an 80% smaller function size for a basic create-next-app application.
  • Memory management: Enhanced memory management is available when using edge runtime in development.

Check out our documentation to learn more.

timvercel avatardelbaoliveira avatarsokra avatarjj4 avatarfeedthejim avatarlubakravche avatarfalcoagustin avatarnabeel-sulieman avatar

Vercel Postgres is now generally available for Hobby and Pro users

Vercel Postgres, our serverless SQL database, is now available for Hobby and Pro users.

During the beta period, we reduced cold start times to 100-200ms and fixed several bugs around handling connections. Usage prices have also been lowered from the beta:

  • Total storage: reduced 60% from $0.30/GB to $0.12/GB
  • Written data: reduced 4% from $0.10/GB to $0.096/GB
  • Data transfer: reduced 55% from $0.20/GB to $0.09/GB

Billing will begin on October 19th and Pro users have the following usage included:

  • 1 database then $1.00 USD per additional database
  • 100 hours of compute time per month then $0.10 USD per additional compute-hour
  • 512 MB total storage then $0.12 USD per additional GB
  • 512 MB written data per month then $0.096 USD per additional GB
  • 512 MB data transfer per month then $0.09 USD per additional GB

If you were a beta participant and want to opt out of using Vercel Postgres, you can backup your database and delete it.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

ethomson avataradriancooney avatars3prototype avatardob avatarfabiobenedetti avatar

Strengthening Vercel's Infrastructure against HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attacks

At Vercel, we consistently monitor and update our security protocols to address emerging threats. A new vulnerability, known as the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack (CVE-2023-44487), has the potential to disrupt HTTP/2-enabled web servers.

Rapid Reset is a vulnerability possible in the HTTP/2 protocol involving quickly initiating and canceling streams. It can be used to launch large denial-of-service attacks, negatively affecting performance and availability.

We've taken proactive steps to refine our infrastructure and strengthen our defenses. Our improved system can now more efficiently handle the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack.

An essential component of our defense strategy is inline network traffic monitoring, where we identify malicious TCP connections and terminate them. Limiting abuse over a single connection has enabled Vercel to protect against HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack.

Combining our existing system with new improvements, all applications on Vercel are even further resistant to the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack.

We want to assure you that your web assets are protected against the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack. We're committed to consistently improving our security measures in response to new threats to ensure safety and reliability for all users.

abdelsabbah avatarctgowrie avatartimer avatar

Prioritize Production deployments to build before any queued Preview

Enterprise customers are now able to configure builds of their Production deployments to begin before any builds of their Preview deployments.

With this setting configured, any Production Deployment changes will skip the line of queued Preview Deployments, so they're ready as soon as possible.

You can also increase your build concurrency limits to give you the ability to kick off multiple builds at once.

Read more in our documentation.

ofhouse avatarmcocirio avatar

Node.js 14 and 16 are being deprecated

Vercel is announcing the deprecation of Node.js 14 and 16, which will be discontinued on August 15th 2023 and June 15th 2024 respectively. Node.js 14 reached official end of life on April 30th 2023. Node.js 16 will reach official end of life on September 11, 2023.

On August 15th 2023, Node.js 14 will be disabled in the Project Settings and existing Projects that have Node.js 14 selected will render an error whenever a new Deployment is created. The same error will show if the Node.js version was configured in the source code.

On June 15th 2024, Node.js 16 will be disabled in the Project Settings and existing Projects that have Node.js 16 selected will render an error whenever a new Deployment is created. The same error will show if the Node.js version was configured in the source code.

While existing Deployments with Serverless Functions will not be affected, Vercel strongly encourages upgrading to Node.js 18 to ensure you receive security updates (using either engines in package.json or the General page in the Project Settings).

Check out the documentation as well.

seanmassa-vercelcom avatar

Detailed deployment summaries

Deployment summaries now have more detailed views of the infrastructure primitives provisioned by Vercel at build time.

With this improved summary, you can track how changes in your frontend application code lead to specific changes in the build's output—the runtimes, regions, paths, and more—that Vercel uses or creates when deploying your application on our Global Edge Network.

Read more in our documentation or learn more about framework-defined infrastructure.

healeycodes avatarsambecker avataremilkowalski avatarseanmassa-vercelcom avatarchrisbarber avatarJohnPhamous avatarmcocirio avatar

View projects grouped by Git repository with list view

You can now view projects on the dashboard grouped by their repository with list view.

List view improves the experience for teams using monorepos or a large number of projects. Projects are sorted by date and displayed as a list. You can use the toggle to switch between the card or list view for displaying projects, with your preference saved across devices.

Check out the documentation to learn more.

shaziya avatarernestd avatarjared avatarbecca avatarskllcrn avatar