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The Movement is Real

Guillermo Rauch

What is Serverless - Episode 1: Introduction

Guillermo Rauch


Tim Neutkens

The Melting Pot of JavaScript

Dan Abramov

Guillermo Rauch - Universal React Made Easy and Simple

React Conf 2017

Rewriting with Next.js

Jack Hanford

The Movement is Real

Guillermo Rauch

How I Used React, Vue, & Node to Build a Single Jamstack App

Ahmad Awais

The Future of Editing Websites

Sadek Drobi

The Performance Aspect of Building and Deploying Static Sites

Maya Shavin

Frontend Performance and its Impact on Customer Conversion

Eva Ieridou & Brendan Goodenough

The Value of Improvisation in Software

Simen Svale Skogsgrud

Streaming video in the browser without patents

Phil Cluff

Building Globally Distributed Apps Instantly with FaunaDB

Dan O'Donnel

Frontend-centered Development — the Future of Web Development

Derrick Reimer

The Future of the Jamstack

Bellen Curcio & Dan Zajdband

Standards-based authentication for JavaScript sites

Kim Maida

The Shiny New World of Jamstack & Serverless

Zan Markan


Sean Grove

The Curse of React

Ryan Florence

Design Systems and React

Diana Mounter

React Native DOM

Vincent Riemer


Tim Neutkens

Guillermo Rauch - Next.js by Example


Guillermo Rauch - Universal React Made Easy and Simple

React Conf 2017

Guillermo Rauch - Static and Dynamic Next.js

JSHeroes 2017