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Hidden Mountain Data is a software development shop specializing in building data-driven applications. We’re different than most agencies as we specialize in three areas: software, data engineering, and cloud computing. 

Whether building a Jamstack site, integrating embedded analytics into your app, standing up a cloud data warehouse and connecting it up to your apps, or architecting and managing solutions in the cloud, we got you covered!

We’re also partners with Firebolt and an official AWS IQ Expert.


Jamstack / Headless Projects

We're fans of React, Next.js, Node.js, and Typescript.

Data Engineering & Data Analytics 

We love building modern data stacks with tools like dbt, Airflow, and common BI tools.

Embedded Analytics 

We like working with headless BI ( and libraries like Chart.js, Recharts, and more.

Cloud Computing 

We’re an official AWS IQ expert and also professionals with Azure and GCP.

Exceptional Documentation

Clients feel empowered, not handcuffed when working with us.

Our ideal project

Our ideal project is working with organizations who communicate clearly, value communication, and know what they want, but are open to our expert opinion and best practice.

For bigger projects, we love using Slack Connect with other companies to stay connected. Our objective is to always keep you in the loop.

We’re open to all sorts of projects and flexible on the scope and length of work. The bigger the impact we can make for you, the better!

Contact Hidden Mountain Data




Application DevelopmentIntegration ServicesProduct DevelopmentUI DevelopmentUX DevelopmentDesign ServicesEcommerce




Europe, North America
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